The stands listed below are used to support round targets and silhouettes.
This stand is an A-Frame design that breaks down and sets up with no tools necessary (after initial installation of straps and targets). The legs and crossbar are 60". This stand comes with six targets strap collars, straps, PVC pipe for spacers, and hardware included.
This stand is a two-piece mild steel design that slips together without tools and can be used to support silhouettes or round targets. When ordered with targets, mounting brackets are included.
This is an AR500 version of the practical stand. It is still a two-piece design that slips together without tools. The main difference is the upright is cut from AR500 rather than mild steel. As with the original practical stand, brackets are included when ordered with targets.
The little brother to the HI-Power stand. The legs are 30" and crossbar is 40" long and can hang up to FOUR targets (depending on size). Four (4) straps with S-hooks and bolts are included.
This stand is designed to hang a single round plate or 1/2 scale silhouette. It includes the Cardboard Target Base with a 5/8" solid steel hoop and a set of straps with S-hooks and bolts.
Stand comes with base and cap. Can be used with silhouettes or round plates. The hook on the top cap is cut from 3/8" AR500.
These bases are spring loaded to reset the target after each hit.
This base can be used with round targets or 1/2 Scale B-C targets. One pair of stakes is included to secure base to ground when in use.
These bases are used with the 1/2 Scale, 2/3 Scale and Full Scale popper targets only (not Super Mini Poppers). Once the mechanism is attached to the target it slips on and off the base for easy setup. Base and reset mechanism to attach to target included in price. 1/2 and 2/3 scale base=$100, Full scale base=$110.
This base is used with the Super Mini Popper targets. Included with the base are a set of legs to stand off from the ground approximately 18".
This base is for use with the Super Mini Popper targets. Included with the base are a set of legs to stand off from the ground approximately 18".
These bases are mostly for competition use. They have to be manually reset after the target falls. They incorporate a calibration bolt for power factor adjustment. Individual Plate Base has no calibration, it only stands the plate upright.
For use with 1/2 and 2/3 scale popper targets.
For use with full size popper targets.
This stand has pockets for 1'X2" wood strips to support 18" wide targets or 24" wide cardboard backers for paper targets.
These are a special order item for clubs or customers who only use 18" targets. Minimum order 5.
Strap sets, bolt sets, springs, brackets
Replacement straps for Hi-Power stand and Single Gong Stand. Available in 6", 8", 10" and 12". Includes two straps, S-hooks and 1/2" hardware.
3/8"X1-1/4" grade 8 carriage bolts and nylon lock nuts. Set of 2. Used with resetting and knockdown bases.
1/2"x1-1/2" grade 8 carriage bolts and nylon lock nuts. Set of 2.
Replacement spring for Small Resetting Base and older Popper Resetting Base.
Spring used on Triple Threat and Single Sniper bases. Also used on the Mini Prop Rack and Penta Spinner. Specify for which application the spring is needed.
Bracket to mount silhouettes to practical stand. Specify TQ-19, B-C or FED Q silhouette.
Bracket to mount round plates to practical stand.
Use these brackets to build your own stand to hang targets. Designed to use 1"X.095 wall round tubing.
1/4" AR500 HOOKS USED TO HANG TARGETS FROM A 1"O.D. ROUND TUBE. 6"-$8, 8"-$10, 10"-$12, 12"-$14
CALL OR TEXT TO ORDER 602-527-0887
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